Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cheney in 1994: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Cheney did not like the idea of invading Baghdad in the mid 1990's, stating that "Invading Baghdad would have created a Quagmire". "After taking out Saddams Central Government... what would we put in its place"? "It would have been a U.S. Occupation of Iraq". "Saddam would not have been worth the additional dead Americans".

I remember these sentiments when he spoke about them in the years after 1991. The general consensus was that no one in the George H.W. Bush administration wanted to occupy Iraq. But it's still interesting to look back on these statements, especially considering the current situation.
These comments were in reference to Gulf War I, launched by George H.W. Bush in 1991 to eject Iraq from Kuwait.

All of a sudden Cheney's old company Halliburton has Billions in contracts to rebuild a U.S. occupied Iraq. They are also trying to squeeze the oil out of that country.

Interesting how things change when people are placed in advantageous positions.

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